Checking the System Requirements

temporary space
64-bit versus 32-bit issues
Checks for the correct operating system (OS)
OS patch level
System packages
System and kernel parameters
X Server permissions
Sufficient swapping

The Oracle Database 10g installation automates most of the prerequisite checks:

Adequate temporary space is checked for. It is determined what the minimum temporary space requirements are for installation and configuration, and those requirements are validated during the installation process.
64-bit installations are prevented from being installed into Oracle homes with 32-bit software already installed (and vice versa).
On the Linux platform, RedHat-3.0, 4.0, Asianux 1.0, 2.0, and SUSE Linux E.S. 9.0 are certified.
The installation process checks whether all the required OS patches are installed.
The installation process checks whether all the required system and kernel parameters are set correctly.
The installation process verifies that the DISPLAY environment variable is set and that the user has sufficient permissions to display to the specified DISPLAY.
The installation process verifies that the system has sufficient swapping set.
The installation process verifies that the Oracle home into which the new installation is being performed is either empty or is one of a handful of supported releases on top of which Oracle Database 10g can be installed, and that they are registered in the Oracle inventory.